Thursday, October 29, 2009

An Intentional Lapse In Common Sense

A tumultuous and interesting year can be well summed up in one meeting that I had in early July with the Session of Faith Presbyterian Church. Five men who love me dearly explained to me that evening that God had other plans for my life that didn't include working as the church's youth director anymore. They didn't know what it was that God was doing, but felt confident that God was doing something and I needed to not be at Faith Presbyterian Church in order for that to happen. Staring back across the table at these men I had the strangest reaction: I agreed. With that we made peace, they pledged to do whatever my family needed, and I left the meeting feeling pretty good about life.

Not much later, on a normal work day at Vanderbilt University Medical Center I received a voice mail from a pastor who forgot to tell me who he was and from what church he was calling. After looking up the area code I braved calling him back, set up a time to talk that night, forgot his name shortly thereafter, and also forgot to ask for the name of the church. It turns out his name is Steve Meyerhoff and he is the pastor of Grace Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Davidsonville, Maryland, and he was calling to see if I was the right man to come work at his church for two-thirds of a salary while working with the youth and worship ministry. After speaking with him he seemed to feel confident that I was the man for the job, and I had another strange reaction: I agreed.

Today, after four phone interviews and two weekend-long visits I feel confirmed that the Lord wants me to move my family to a town I'd never heard of in a state I'd never before visited to help minister to people I don't really know for a salary that will require me to raise money to pay my bills. And I couldn't be any happier about it. Of course, I'm not entirely a suffering servant, since Reformed Youth Ministries plans on paying a huge chunk of my seminary for my trouble, but in this step of faith I feel a sense of the presence of God that I've only ever felt on a few other momentous occasions.

Moving to Maryland to follow God feels like pursuing the hand of a girl who lived two states away that I had only met once. I now call that girl my wife. This move feels like sacrificing my selfishness and praying to be blessed with a life of which to take care. That life, at one time only real in prayer, became my beautiful daughter. On the brink of dying to myself and my love of common sense have come some of the greatest blessings that God has given me. In light of this, I'm highly anticipating the next few years of my life.

Prayer requests:
Please pray for our fund raising, as we rejoice in what the Lord has already provided.
Please pray that our house sells soon.

Our family and friends have been very generous.
The Yankees are down in the World Series.

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